მთავარი » ჯანდაცვა » მოსახლეობის ჯანმრთელობა » Thanks to Latest Healthcare Reforms Many People Have Been Rescued
Dr.Chkonia talked about the importance of Universal healthcare program,which has ever implemented by the ministry. Reform has rescued many people’s lives.

Thanks to Latest Healthcare Reforms Many People Have Been Rescued

Consultant of Medi Club Georgia David Chkonia assessed Georgia’s healthcare reforms that have been implemented recently, as highly important for Georgian society and noted the fact of large number rescued patients.

The primary healthcare reform is significant, family doctor needs to be qualified and have ability to manage patient’s health condition and treat him/her accordingly. If there are some complications family doctor transfers patient to other specialists. Doctor has basic view on patient’s health condition, by which managing the treatment becomes more easy, especially when patient carries chronic diseases. Eventually one doctor gathers other specialists inferences and looks after following events.

Dr.Chkonia also talked about the importance of Universal healthcare program…. This is the most successful reform which has ever implemented by the ministry. Reform has rescued many people’s lives.

Chkonia also emphasized on drug prices and named completing Georgia’s pharmaceutical market with Generics as one of the significant ways to regulate drug prices.

Drug prices are considerably high, In Georgia there are people who cannot afford them, so way out of this situation is expanding pharmaceutical market with Generic drugs, generics have the same treatment results as brand drugs, and difference is only in prices.”


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