მთავარი » ჯანდაცვა » მოსახლეობის ჯანმრთელობა » Successful implementation of Primary Healthcare Reform Requires Funding Experts
Tamila Shaiashvili assessed reforms implemented by Georgia’s Ministry of healthcare,she said that for successful implementations, experts need to be funded.

Successful implementation of Primary Healthcare Reform Requires Funding Experts

Dr. Tamila Shaiashvili assessed reforms implemented by Georgia’s Ministry of healthcare, she talked about primary health care reform and said that for successful implementations, experts need to be funded.

Strengthening of family doctor institution is highly important, however experts need to be financed, currently families are paying doctors by themselves, as long as many of Georgian families cannot afford doctor service fee, doctor transfers them to the hospitals.

Tamila Shaiashvili talked shortly on healthcare universal program and noted that it is impossible patients to be dissatisfied as the ministry finances 90% of operations.

She also touched Georgia’s pharmaceutical market condition.

“I prefer to prescribe original drugs, because it will have guaranteed result, patients are not informed about Generics”.



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