However, primary healthcare reform should not be seen only in the context of saving money for surgeries or other types of high-tech medical interventions.

In Healthcare, We Should Not Save Money

After Universal healthcare and Hepatitis C elimination programs, Ministry of Healthcare of Georgia, has made primary healthcare reform its priority.

Preparatory works have already begun. The Ministry, as well as primary care doctors from all over Georgia are involved in it. In this reform, the international consulting company “Global Alliance“, fully supports the Ministry.

General Secretary of “New Rights” Mamuka Katsitadze responds to primary healthcare reform. He assesses and welcomes the implementation of this process as an important step toward Georgia’s healthcare:

“Primary healthcare reform is very important and necessary. It is inevitable, as for the development of the family doctor institution,ins as well as patient recovery system. This is vital in terms of disease prevention, and also for preventing complications of the disease.

However, primary health care reform should not be seen only in the context of saving money for surgeries or other types of high-tech medical interventions.

“This reform will be the initial stage of disease prevention and not – for saving expenses. When it comes to health care, we should not save money,” Mamuka Katsitadze noted.

იხილეთ ასევე

ექიმები და პაციენტები ონკოლოგიური დაავადებების მკურნალობის უწყვეტ ხელმისაწვდომობაზე კიდევ ერთხელ იმსჯელებენ

21 მაისს, 10:00 საათზე სასტუმრო „ჰილტონგარდენში“ (მის: ილ.ჭავჭავაძის პრ #64ა) პაციენტთა კოალიცია „ევროპა დონა საქართველოსა“ …