მთავარი » ჯანდაცვა » Tender Announced on Ownership of Three Major Hospitals of Tbilisi
the Austrian consortium Alpha Medic deserved the highest interest among the tender participants.company has been able to present full documentation in time

Tender Announced on Ownership of Three Major Hospitals of Tbilisi

A tender is announced on management, ownership and operation of three hospitals in Tbilisi – Republican Hospital, Cancer Center and Children’s Infectious Diseases Hospital.

So far, the Austrian consortium Alpha Medic deserved the highest interest among the tender participants. Precisely this company has been able to present full documentation in time, reads Ministry of Health press release.

The Ministry of Health announced the tender on the management of three major hospitals in Tbilisi by the recommendation and assistance of Global Alliance and Partnership Fund several months ago.

Three companies presented their credentials to be considered for the tender, among which one was the Austrian company, one Georgian and one Canadian company.

At this stage, the tender procedures have not been fully completed yet. According to the Partenrship Fund, negotiations and agreement on specific details, including a number of technical issues which are very important for the future of cooperation between the government and the potential investor.

Most of the official documentation has not been prepared yet. So the information regarding the volume of the investment, hospitals renovation project and the project timeline will be known only after the end of the tender procedure.

“The tender was announced with the assistance of the foreign company invited by the Ministry of Health. Precisely that company [Global Alliance] designed the tender conditions and conducts its full monitoring.

More details will be announced to the winning company in the second stage of the tender. I think this is one of the best ways for the Georgian healthcare and hospital sector development”, Partnership Fund CEO David Saganelidze told CBW.

According to the tender requirements, the above mentioned hospitals need to be reconstructed in alliance with the EU standards.

The winning consortium has to ensure that the project is done in accordance with JCI accreditation standards. The personnel must be certificated and trained within a special program. The entire project should be carried out according to United Kingdom healthcare model. The winning consortium will be responsible to own and manage the hospital together with the state, according to the PPP principle.

“Our vision is global and our intention is to apply our international experience and activities outside Europe, to ensure the public-private partnership (PPP) on the project.

This will benefit the level and stability of healthcare in Georgia in the long-term,” say Austrian consortium Alpha Medic representatives.

Alpha Medic is a hospitals and healthcare management company based in Austria that has many years of PPP Projects Development (Design, Build, Equip, Operate including Healthcare and Facility Management) experience in CIS and Africa in partnership with leading EU providers of respective services.


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