მთავარი » ჯანდაცვა » Levan Peradze: Health Ministry should Be Aware of Public Needs and Worries
Naturally, the Ministry must be informed about the problems and worries in our population, about shortcomings in the system, and so on - Levan peradze .

Levan Peradze: Health Ministry should Be Aware of Public Needs and Worries

“What Hurts?”– the joint social project by the Georgian Health Ministry and Global Alliance consulting group.

Any reform may be successful if it meets the public expectations and requirements, the project initiators said.  The CBW editorial board has explored the opinion of the medical circles on this campaign.

Levan Peradze is an executive director of the Georgian-American Family Medicine Clinic. It is important that the Ministry is interested in opinion and position of Georgian citizens:

“I have learned about this social survey from television, but I have not taken part in it. The objective of the survey is very good. Naturally, the Ministry must be informed about the problems and worries in our population, about shortcomings in the system, and so on. I think it would be expedient to hire public opinion research companies to analyze the survey results in details”.

The objective of the social campaign is to detect the existing shortcomings in the health sector and examine public opinion on the planned changes. We have asked Levan Peradze about the main challenges in the health system:

“The main challenge before the Georgian Health Ministry is related to the universal healthcare program, because wealthy and socially vulnerable citizens must have equal access to the healthcare services. The current situation is inadequate and creates problems in terms of budget cost-efficiency.

However, I understand this was the pre-election promise and the Authorities cannot swerve from this course”, Levan Peradze said and overviewed the Health Ministry initiated reforms. He made accents on the Hepatitis C Alimentation program:

„Our citizens are not solvent to defeat this disease by their own resources, without high revenues. It is wonderful the Authorities have implemented this project without much expenditure. I also like the cancer screening program for both males and females. Early diagnosis enables to prevent cancer development”.

As reported, Georgian citizens are able to take part in the social survey at the Health Ministry facilities and on the special website: www.1505.ge . The survey results will be publicized in the near future.


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