მთავარი » ჯანდაცვა » საერთაშორისო ორგანიზაციები » Ex- French Foreign Minister Visits Georgia to Share His Healthcare Experience
I will not go into details; I have a business meeting with the Minister David Sergeenko. Your country is need of reforming its health care system. Georgian population’s social conditions are very important

Ex- French Foreign Minister Visits Georgia to Share His Healthcare Experience

Bernard Kouchner’s involvement in Georgia’s health care reforms provides international support and access to a global experience for the country.

Former French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner is currently on a working visit to Georgia.

French diplomat will hold meetings in Georgia under his mandate of the Chairman of Supervisory Board of Global Alliance, the international consulting firm that advises Georgia’s Ministry of Healthcare on the Universal Healthcare Reform.

The central goal of Kouchner’s visit to Goergia is to assess the rate of healthcare reforms taking place in the country.

Health Minister David Sergeenko and Global Alliance president Jean-Elie Malkin met Bernard Kouchner at the Tbilisi Airport.

“Some time has passed since my last visit to Georgia. I am glad to be back, not only because of my memories associated with Georgia, but also because I am glad to be working with you,” Kouchner said.

“I am the Chairman of Global Alliance, the advisory group that works on healthcare and social issues. I came here by Georgia’s Health Minister’s initiative. He invited me to come to Georgia and assist the country to successfully carry out its healthcare reforms.”

“I will not go into details; I have a business meeting with the Minister David Sergeenko. Your country is need of reforming its health care system. Georgian population’s social conditions are very important. A proper healthcare reform is one of the ways of improving the population’s social conditions,” he added.

“Georgia is in the middle of carrying out its healthcare reform right now. We are here to assist Georgia and share our experience as to how France reformed its health care system”.

The Minister of health David Sergeenko noted that Bernard Kouchner has performed great service for Georgia, particularly, the French diplomat visited Georgian in 2008 – in the most critical days of the Georgia-Russia war and helped bring peace to the country. In addition, Bernard Kouchner’s involvement in health care reforms will provide Georgia with access to world health care experience and getting international support.

Mr. Kouchner is a doctor and has implemented a number of very important projects, which currently undergo successfully in France. We now have the opportunity to cooperate with Mr, Kouchner and take advice from him during implementation of our reforms. He was appointed as the Chairperson of the Global Alliance which is Georgia’s contractor consulting company in the field of Healthcare. Kouchner will be our consultant in public health and, in general, health care reforms.

I think that this visit will be the basis for a new step in strategic planning for the Georgian healthcare system. This is the beginning of a new cooperation, which I am sure will be successful. Cooperation with the “Global Alliance”,began in April. During this time we saw this cooperation took place.

While in Georgia the former French official was scheduled to hold meetings with Georgian Government members and take part in a joint committee meeting between Global Alliance and Georgia’s Ministry of Health.

Kouchner will also participate in the conference Healthcare Challenges in the 21st Century -Georgia and the World.

The ex-politician will remain in Georgia for three days. Apart from attending meetings and the conference, Kouchner was expected to lay a wreath at the Memorial of Fallen Heroes at Heroes Square in the heart of Tbilisi.


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