მთავარი » ჯანდაცვა » Austrian Company Wants to Take Over Management of Three Georgian Hospitals
Austrian company may become manager. Winner of tender will be responsible for reestablishment, rehabilitation hospitals and training of staff.

Austrian Company Wants to Take Over Management of Three Georgian Hospitals

Austrian company may become manager of three major Georgian hospitals located in Tbilisi.  

This company showed the most interest and has presented documentation on-time, for announced tender concerning management and operation of Tbilisi Republican Hospital, Cancer Center and Children’s Infectious Diseases Hospital management.

On tender, three companies from Georgia, Canada and Austria were presented.

According to the head of Partnership Fund David Saganelidze, deadline of tender, which was organized by the Ministry of Health has finished.

“Tender was announced by foreign company, which was invited by the Ministry. Right that company created tender conditions and implemented monitoring. Now we are considering the company’s proposal. I think that this is the one of the best ways to improve Georgia’s hospital sector,” David Saganelidze said.

Winner of tender will be responsible for reestablishment, rehabilitation hospitals and training of  staff.


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