მთავარი » ჯანდაცვა » Giorgi Pkhaladze: This will be Wonderful if Mashkevich Puts Much Money in Our country
Giorgi Pkhaladze has also commented on the Humanity Georgia entrance. He asserts this fact will make positive affect on the Georgian population.

Giorgi Pkhaladze: This will be Wonderful if Mashkevich Puts Much Money in Our country

Appearance of Humanity-Georgia pharmaceutical company into the Georgian market has caused various public reactions.

A part of the experts welcome the new market player, while another part asserts that the company will import low-quality medications to sell them at lower prices. As reported, the company plans to import 250 medications from India, as well as to construct a pharmaceutical plant in Georgia and launch exports.

Giorgi Pkhaladze, the president of the association of free citizens, has also commented on the Humanity Georgia entrance. He asserts this fact will make positive affect on the Georgian population.

“Entrance of each new market player is a very good event. The competition will strengthen, this will positively influence the prices and the tariff declination tendencies will increase. Finally, all these factors will alleviate the condition of our citizens. Consequently, I positively appraise the new player and welcome Humanity Georgia in the Georgian market”, Giorgi Pkhaladze said.

The spread rumor on low quality of the imported medications is a part of black PR, Pkhaladze added.

“I am sure that the medications imported by this company hold quality certificates and meet all international starboards. Therefore, I consider rumors on low quality of Humanity Georgia medications to be a black PR campaign. This will be wonderful if Mr. Mashkevich puts much money in our country”, Giorgi Pkhaladze said.


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