მთავარი » ჯანდაცვა » Georgia Did it – Sergeenko Presents Three Years of Healthcare Reforms
Minister of Labour, Health and Social Affairs presented three years of reforms in health care to public.Ministry is reinforcement of drug quality control.

Georgia Did it – Sergeenko Presents Three Years of Healthcare Reforms

Minister of Labour, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia presented three years of reforms in health care to public.

Sergeenko accentuated Hepatitis C elimination program as the main achievement of country’s healthcare sector. “It is important that in the frames of this program 3100 patients are undergoing treatment,” Minister noted. Minister also presented consequences of Healthcare Universal program.

Other future prospects such as: Primary healthcare, implementation of Universal healthcare cost sustainable system, quality control and electronic prescription systems were discussed and presented on the event.

“High proportion of drugs in overall healthcare system reveals the main problem and we have to decrease it with transparent ways not with mechanic restrictions,” said Sergeenko.

According to him one of the main components of the Ministry is reinforcement of drug quality control.

The Ministry of Health is planning to establish new standards in terms of quality control of drugs. How quality control and new regulations will affect increased price, Sergeenko explains:

Pharma industry is one of strictly regulated sphere in the world. Unfortunately, here this sector is deregulated. No existence of  quality control creates a problem, we do not know what quality of drugs people use. Absence of quality of control systems block us, to purchase the Generics, because we do not have objective evidence of quality

Minister notes that introduction of Generics will considerably decrease prices of drugs: ” Society is sensitive to increasing prices of products, including drugs, prices of which are a burden to the society who are not able to continue their treatments. That’s why we need to decrease pharmacy expenditures, and in this case Generic drugs are the most optimal way out.

Minister considers that expending Generic segment is inevitable, to increase drug availability and to encourage local production. However for implemented those mentioned we need to execute system of quality control of drug, the Ministry has started working intensively on those reforms and results will be known soon.


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