მთავარი » ფარმაცევტული ბაზარი » India Produced Drugs Have High Quality If it is Properly Manufactured
As for the Indian Generics, Janelidze sees no negative aspect in importing drugs from this country because India produces high quality drugs.

India Produced Drugs Have High Quality If it is Properly Manufactured

The head of international center for endosurgery  Otar Janelidze responded to introduction and import of Generic drugs on Georgian pharmaceutical market.

It is important to implement import of high quality drugs on Georgia’s pharmaceutical market, no matter it is a brand or generic drug, it needs to be reliable and effective in sense of consequences. The way out from this issue reveals to be strict control. We need to change the mechanism of control, practically this process is not implemented in Georgia. It is impossible for the drug to cost less in Georgia, while it is expensive in the rest of the world,”Janelidze said.

Generally, Georgia’s pharmaceutical market is chaotic because there is an oligopoly, that is why prices are uncontrolled. It has been years since talks on drug prices have started but we do not see any change.

“The market needs introduction of Generics, which will balance the issues,”Janelidze added.

As for the Indian Generics, Janelidze sees no negative aspect in importing drugs from this country because India produces high quality drugs, if properly manufactured.


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