მთავარი » ფარმაცევტული ბაზარი » Georgian Experts, Politicians and Doctors Respond to New Pharmaceutical Company: Healthy Competition will Be Created
Annie Mirotadze evaluates new player on pharmaceutical market positively and says that this fact is specially important for regulating prices of drugs.

Georgian Experts, Politicians and Doctors Respond to New Pharmaceutical Company: Healthy Competition will Be Created

Company Humanity Georgia enters Georgia’s pharmaceutical market, data of business registry shows that company has registered in May 2015.

According to director of the company Andrey Kuzma, Humanity Georgia will offer Georgia’s pharmaceutical market a wide range of drugs.

Company representatives announce that first batch will be the frequent consumption medications which will be available from late December.

Kuzma notes that, the quality of their drugs is approved by producer’s EU GMP certificate and also by the WHO laboratory which has carried out series of control.

Georgian experts, doctors and politicians assess introduction of new pharmaceutical company as a positive event and claim that this fact will encourage a healthy competition on Georgia’s pharmaceutical market and increase accessibility on drugs.

Member of Georgian parliament Annie Mirotadze evaluates new player on pharmaceutical market positively and says that this fact is specially important for regulating prices of drugs.

“Unfortunately, we have society, that have some kind of issues of purchasing drugs, due to financial problems. If Humanity Georgia will satisfy all of operational rules, then it could compete with existed companies. Competition will encourage regulation of drug prices in Georgia. Apart from this introduction of new large company will create new jobs which are very important for our country.”


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