მთავარი » ფარმაცევტული ბაზარი » Experts React on Introduction of New Player on Georgia’s Pharmaceutical Market
Humanity Georgia company has entered the Georgian pharmaceutical market. According to the business registry, the company was registered in May 2015

Experts React on Introduction of New Player on Georgia’s Pharmaceutical Market

Humanity Georgia company has entered the Georgian pharmaceutical market. According to the business registry, the company was registered in May 2015.

Humanity Georgia will introduce a wide option of medications to the pharmaceutical market in the near future.

Quality of the company-manufactured medications is approved by the manufacturer’s EU GMP Certificate. The first set of drugs will be represented by frequently-used drugs at the end of December 2015.

Specialists, doctors and even politicians positively appraise that a new company will operate on the Georgian pharmaceutical market. The fact will boost competition on the domestic market and medications will become more affordable.

Introduction of Generics on Georgia’s pharmaceutical market which was initiated by the Ministry of Healthcare is also evaluated positively. Generics will encourage the decrease on prices of drugs. The vast majority of people believe that Generics will regulate prices of drugs on the market.

Georgian otolaryngologist Raul Khinkiladze positively assesses appearance of Humanity-Georgia and thinks it will increase the competitiveness, which is highly important.

I welcome appearance of Humanity-Georgia on Georgia’s pharmaceutical market, drugs need to be high quality. As for the Generics I use them in my ordinary practice, the most vital thing is the result that I receive from drug not the origin of it. Every drug needs to be approved by the manufacturer’s Certificate.


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