მთავარი » ფარმაცევტული ბაზარი » Alexander Mashkevich Is Ready to Invest in Georgia
The group of Alexander Mashkevich plans to make investments in other projects in Georgia too

Alexander Mashkevich Is Ready to Invest in Georgia

Alexander Mashkevich shows willingness to implement several important projects in Georgia jointly with his partners, businessmen’s press office declared.

According to press release, the projects will be carried out through the companies that are specialized in medical services and pharmaceutical sector. Alexander Mashkevich is famous for his experience and active efforts in the mentioned sectors worldwide.

As reported, Humanity- Georgia has recently launched operation in the pharmaceutical sector of Georgia. The company will introduce the high quality medications in the Georgian pharmaceutical networks in several days.

Humanity Georgia has launched a construction of unprecedented ultramodern pharmaceutical plant, a quality control laboratory certified by the World Health Organization (WHO) and a storehouse center in Georgia.

Moreover, AlphaMedic Consortium is also taking part in the hospital development project tender and the company is expected to invest hundreds of millions of USD in the sector development.

The long-term investments are to ensure competitive environment on the market, expand an access to high-quality medical services and reduce drug prices.

“The group of Alexander Mashkevich plans to make investments in other projects in Georgia too”.  


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