მთავარი » ფარმაცევტული ბაზარი » Humanity Georgia Enters Georgia’s Market With Ambitious Plans
According to director of the company Andrey Kuzma, Humanity Georgia will offer Georgia’s pharmaceutical market a wide range of drugs.

Humanity Georgia Enters Georgia’s Market With Ambitious Plans

Company Humanity Georgia enters Georgia’s pharmaceutical market, data of business registry shows that company has registered in May 2015.

According to director of the company Andrey Kuzma, Humanity Georgia will offer Georgia’s pharmaceutical market a wide range of drugs.

Company representatives announce that first batch will be the frequent consumption medications which will be available from late December.

Kuzman notes that, the quality of their drugs is approved by producer’s EU GMP certificate and also by the WHO laboratory which has carried out series of control.

Our company is a young, but we have advantage of having world’s best experts in our management, who have very good experience. The most of our employees have worked for such brands as SANOFI, PFIZER and etc. Humanity Georgia is dynamically developed company, with ambitious plans. We aim to establish our name as the affordable, safe and high quality supplier company of drugs.

HUMANITY’s current product portfolio lists more than 700 discrete medications covering a range of dosages and delivery systems.

HUMANITY currently also has 156 new products in varying stages of development (Humanity Research and Development Center). Their products are represented in all 13 ATC codes, meaning that our medications are at work in every branch of modern medicine.


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