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What are generic drugs? The Minister of Health David Sergeenko explains: “I am obliged to explain to our people, what Generic drugs really mean".

What are Generics – Health Minister David Sergeenko Explains

The Ministry of Health plans to implement a new standard in controlling the quality of drugs in Georgia. Consequently, the Ministry considers expanding Generic segment as a prerequisite, for increasing affordability on drugs and encouraging local production.

To successfully implement this it is important to set the system of quality control on drugs properly, on which The Ministry of Health has started working intensively, the real results will be known to public soon.

A generic drug is identical–or bioequivalent–to a brand name drug in dosage form, safety, strength, route of administration, quality, performance characteristics and intended use.

The vast majority of prescription drugs sold in the U.S. – 86 percent –are generic and the recalls keep coming. As for the Georgia, 70 percent of drugs sold on the pharmaceutical market are generic drugs. The Ministry has announced its intention to introduce additional Generic drugs, due to increased prices of medicines.

What are generic drugs? The Minister of Health David Sergeenko explains:

“I am obliged to explain to our people, what Generic drugs really mean. Generic drugs’ initial active ingredient is a brand. When the drug is developed and manufactured, its producer enjoys the first 15 years of copyright. Accordingly the price of brand drugs is usually very high”.

“I have repeatedly stated that I welcome expanding affordability on generic drugs, because it is a cost-effective step for the country. We also care about creating properly working control system, which will protect us from low-quality drugs”.

Recently the board Chairman of Global Alliance and ex-French Minister Bernard Kouchner attended the international health conference in Georgia and noted that Generics need to be offered to public at affordable prices. He welcomed the initiative of encouraging local production and expanding the Generic segment on Georgia’s pharmaceutical market.


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