მთავარი » ფარმაცევტული ბაზარი » A Control Mechanism Needs to be Implemented on the Pharmaceutical Market
Some control mechanism has to be put in place for this uncertainty to be eradicated for once and for all.It is up for the government to decide .

A Control Mechanism Needs to be Implemented on the Pharmaceutical Market

Doctor Maia Dokhturishvili is a gynecologist and a reproductologist. In an interview with CBW, she assesses the pharmacological field of Georgia: the doctor-patient dynamic in the country, as well as the pharmaceutical market and its shortcomings.

“Patients often express concern that in spite of the different healthcare programs, most drugs are still very expensive. The financially vulnerable population does not have access to many drugs. This often leads to a protest against doctors and people stop seeing their doctors for preventive healthcare measures. When faced with financial hardship, preventive healthcare becomes luxury.”

“As for the pharmaceutical market, it’s no secret that not every drug is equally effective. In many cases the doctors themselves do not know well the composition of the drugs. Therefore, they often don’t know how effective this or that drug really is. The effectiveness of some drugs should be put under question.

Some control mechanism has to be put in place for this uncertainty to be eradicated for once and for all. It is up for the government to decide what type of a control mechanism they implement,” says Maia.


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